- Roll Call
- Duval, Jeffries, Loewen, Nelles, Dryer, Osorio, Castruccio and De Mare
- Past Minutes
- Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as distributed
- Treasurer’s Report
- Recommendations for the MNA Forum
- The following recommendations were supported by the PASF Executive Committee
1. Approval of the Technical Committee and its members
2. Approval to pay the fees to ISAF to become an Affiliate member
3. Create a list of Officials for ISAF review
4. Send Constitution as written to ISAF with submission for recognition as the Affiliate member in this region
5. All Q events must be in the Americas
6. Hobie 16 as a mixed event
7. Balance the number of entrants in the Laser and Laser Radial
8. If ODEPA does not accept our slate of classes the ask that they approve it for 2007 and then allow us to plan for the future by replacing one class per games allowing the countries to build those fleets
Meeting Adjourned to Resume Saturday morning as a closed session
- Planning for 2007
- Leopold Dryer opened the meeting by stating that the South American federation supports the progress made by the Brazilian LOC and pledges his federations continued support
- Walcles started by pointing out their desire to leave a positive legacy after the Games
- They have the support of all of the local clubs
- Their will be plenty of RIB’s for support boats
- Based on past Worlds they have the expertise to run the event
- There are five course circles but only three will be used at any given time
- Class groupings are: Hobie 16 and J-24
- Laser, Laser Radial, RS:X and Sunfish
- Snipe and Lightning
- Two races are scheduled per day
- The wind begins each day between 12 noon and 1 pm
- Expect the wind to be 10 -12 knots each day with current
- The group asked Walcles to have a four year weather history for the next meeting
- They are planning a pre Pan Ams in 2005 and 2006
- Carlos asked what we will do at the Pre games if we still have problems with our classes
- Walcles said that they would only sail the Olympic classes then
- Leo asked why two Pre events not one
- Walcles stated that it gave everyone more time to gain knowledge
- Peter asked if these will be stand alone events and Walcles said yes they would be
- Rich suggested that the 2006 be a Q event but not the 2005 event
- Hector said that the 2006 should be the LOC’s ‘official’ test event
- Hector asked for a report on accommodations, boat rentals for coaches, etc. as soon as possible so that it may be circulated to the MNA’s
- Carlos felt that the 2005 event would not be well attended due to costs
- Rich suggested that they call the 2005 something else rather then a Pre Pan Am event
- Hector asked when we could expect the first overall report
- Walcles says until the classes are known it is hard but they have begun
- Rich asked to have the preliminary plan circulated so that we can comment and have the final at the next meeting
- Nick asked if coach boats would be available
- Walcles stated that there would be a few and that they would be shared per course
- Special Announcement
- Due to health reasons Hector Duval reluctantly offered his resignation as PASF President but will remain on the Board
- Rich directed the group through the election process for a new President
- Two names were proposed and after one had withdrawn their name Carlos De Mare, Argentina, was unanimously elected PASF President to fill out the remainder of the term.
- Meeting Adjourned